Tuesday, June 24, 2008


How can you convince someone that what they know of you, isnt really you. People try to shove you into this tiny box of convenient stereotypes but the question is how can you breakout of that? I am not what you think I am and telling me your oppinion based on a few experiences, wont make it true. So after years of friendship even, some try to say to me "you are the thinker." well yeah, sometimes I am. but I'm also impulsive. and compulsive and so many other things. I guess the point is that you cant label someone. you can describe only one aspect at a time.

The other issue is when people are unwilling to change their view of you. Why? seasons change, time changes, the movies playing at the cinema change. So Why does everyone expect people to be stagnant?? This completely contrary to the way the entire world is. So let people show you a new side of them. Let people grow. Let forgiveness in and redemption take its course.


1 comment:

runiteking1 said...

I had that before.

It's quite frustrating sometimes. I would show one side of me at some place and they automatically assume it's my whole personality.

And it's amazingly hard to change one's own reputation...
