Monday, November 22, 2010

I joined a cult...kinda.

I am adverse to anything with major hype attached to it. My friends all know this from many a long winded rant, but in general, if the masses are in love with some thing, I will likely be skeptical of it and even loathsome of it for quite some time. Some targets of mine have included ultimate frisbee, Braveheart, Lady Gaga, and Mac people.

Some detail may be necessary to explain how each of these things belong in the same category of loathing. As for ultimate frisbee, I can see how it is a unique and fascinating game with a good balance, challenging both mental ability and athletic skill. An overwhelming majority of my good friends love this game and play it often but I however, have only played a handful of times because of the hype.

Braveheart is a movie that nearly everyone love. Especially men, but not to the exclusion of most women. Despite many recommendations, I've never see the film and I refuse to on the principle that it has too much hype.

And Lady Gaga is the queen of hype so you can see based on the pattern we're building here how I am not likely to stumble upon her songs on shuffle. Which leads me to my last item: Mac People. Notice that I didn't say Mac products. As stated in the bit about Lady Gaga, I am the owner of a 4th generation iPod shuffle with color video. 8GB if you care. I don't. Because I own Mac products but I am not a Mac Person. :) I own a PC. Yeah, in the commercials I'm the sweaty guy in the suit and I like my comb over and glasses.

Okay, I'm not THAT guy, but I am cetainly not the Mac. That guy who is going to brag about his iPhone and he 3G network it runs on. He's going to laugh condescendingly at you when you ask how to scroll through the photos on his fancy touch screen and then sip on his Starbucks Half-Caf Non-Fat Whatever. There is an overlap of those two cults you know. Apparently to properly operate a Macbook Air you should have a steaming hot latte in one hand.
I am going against all of this as we, as I type-- since I am using my husband's MacBook Pro to post today. So I'm still not a Mac Person but this computer sure is nice...

I'll just stay away from the cool-aid. :)

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